Soho Clothing USA

26145 - Soho Clothing USA
26145 - Soho Clothing USA
26145 - Soho Clothing USA
26145 - Soho Clothing USA
26145 - Soho Clothing USA

Soho Clothing USA

Item number: 26145

Leggings, Zipper Jackets Flees Aerobics, Skirts, Dresses, Zipper Bras, Shorts, Pants, Tops
Assorted Designs
Assorted Sizes
Size Scale: Small/Medium/XLarge
Total: 117 100 pcs.
MSRP:  19.99$ pcs.
Price take all: 1.65$ per pcs.

Minimum Order: Take All
10% is of kids. Each Pallet is 1 category and assorted by sizes
Leggings: 30 000 pcs.
Zipper Jackets Flees Aerobics: 4 800
Skirts: 3 600
Dresses: 3 800
Zipper Bras: 4 200
Shorts: 3 600
Pants: 4 100
Tops: 63 000
GRAND TOTAL: 117 100 pcs.

Additional information:

More pictures and packinglist More pictures and packinglist here

Price: 1.65 $

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.